March 10, 2014

an update.

Hello There!

There are so many reasons why I have been missing, so I have a lot to catch up on. When I have a lot to do, I make lists. So, here are some lists for you:

Why I was gone:

1. My camera broke
2. I was sick for a week
3. I had to take the SAT (an important test for college)
4. Midterm exams

What posts you can be expecting:

2. January and February " A Month Without..."
3. What's on my playlist?
5. new product posts

You may also have noticed a few changes to my website. I decided to change to annabelclaire because it is one name I can use universally. However, I am still BriticaBeauty, so you can find me by both names! I just wanted a little change- everyone needs change in their life!

I hope you will stay with me as I catch up and write some posts I am very excited about!

Enjoy some unedited photos on my new camera, called "Me by Myself Acting Candid:"

What have you been up to recently?

xx BB