January 11, 2014

7 things for 1 year! | my new years resolutions

Hello There!

Today I thought I would share seven of the things that I want to think about for the new year. I did this last year, so I thought I would see how well I accomplished my 2013 goals and my plans for 2014.

I said I would:

Sleep more- not exactly possible, seeing as I am a junior in high school. But I stay on a good sleeping schedule, and I catch up on sleep on the weekends.

Wear less makeup- actually did this! I stopped wearing my thick foundation and loads of concealer and powder, and I now wear lighter makeup. My skin has cleared up and I am so happy I stopped piling chemicals on my face. Not to say I don't throw on a bit of eyeshadow and mascara, I just don't do "the whole nine yards."

Leave the electronics- again, impossible. I got a position in a political organization as the director of involvement, so staying involved on social media is part of my job. But I have been reading a bit more, and spending lots of time with my family over the holidays. I do need technology for school and work, but I take a break every once in a while to spend time outdoors and away from electronics.

Read- I did! I read two books over the holiday break, and I read the newspaper a lot. I have missed it so much, and I will continue to pick up a book when I have free time.

Be honest and kind- I think so, but it is somewhat subjective. I try to compliment someone before I think I might insult, and I try to stay out of drama and gossip. I am also more honest with people in my life, and it feels nice to not be keeping secrets.

Believe in myself- not quite, but I am getting there. I believed that I could get a job and work hard in school, and so far so good. I think this one might take more than a year; it's definitely a work in progress.

Try to love life- again, a work in progress. I take everything day by day, so some days are better than others. But the nice little things in life stand out to me more, which is a change that I hope continues.

And now for my 2014 goals:

Get to bed earlier- I need sleep! So if I have the chance to go to bed earlier, I need to take the opportunity instead of watching another episode of Gossip Girl.

Reward myself for good work- I work so hard, and yet I never reap the rewards. So I will split up my work time to give myself a break and a reward, so I do not get overwhelmed with work and can better manage my time.

Spend less frivolously- I have taken on the "20 products challenge," in which I cannot spend money on beauty products until I use up 20 that I already own. I want to buy a nice camera for blog photos and videos, so I need to save my money, and that starts with not buying more makeup that I don't need.

Be less judgmental- I tend to sometimes judge a book by it's cover, but I want to be more kind to others by complimenting people instead of insulting people. I wouldn't want to be judged, so I shouldn't judge others.

Have lower expectations- sometimes I expect a lot, things fall through, and I get disappointed. I plan to have lower expectations so anything better will be a happy surprise.

Plan ahead- Before making a recipe, I need to read all the instructions. Before starting my homework, I need to plan out my time. I tend to jump into things without thinking it all the way through, so planning ahead will make sure I get everything done and manage my time.

Will this matter in a year?- My mantra for the year. I overreact about everything, so I need to ask myself how much a little issue really matters. 9 times out of 10, I am sure it doesn't.

What are your goals for 2014? Have you already dropped a goal that you made on the 1st?

xx BB